Greenbush Virtual Academy Adult Learner Intake  
Greenbush Virtual Academy (GVA) offers a personalized learning experience for adults to earn their high school diploma through a customizable blend of online classes.  Our virtual learning program operates in partnership with local school districts and is open to adults who reside in Kansas.  Please provide us with some information about yourself and complete this questionnaire to gauge potential success as an online learner.
Google にログインすると作業内容を保存できます。詳細
メールアドレス *
Student First Name *
Student Last Name *
Student preferred email address *
The email address you would like us to use to contact you.  Please make sure it is a working email address.
Student's contact number *
Student address *
Students Birth date *
Local school district where you live *
Were you enrolled in the GVA Adult program last year? *
Last Grade Completed:  Check one *
Please indicate the last grade you completed
How many high school credits have you completed or believe that you have completed? *
When in school previously, did you receive services outside of the classroom such as special education services, migrant services, or English as a Second Language services? *
If yes, what type of service and what grade(s)?
Have you participated in virtual education in the past? *
Do you have access to reliable high speed internet? *
Are you employed?
Considering your work and personal schedule, the amount of time you have to work on your course work is: *
Additional Information:  special circumstances, special needs?
What is next?
A staff member from our Adult Diploma Completion program will be in contact with you soon to discuss the enrollment process. To get ready for the enrollment process, please contact your last high school and request a transcript of your completed courses.  The transcript will be required to complete your enrollment process.
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