Wayfinders Scholarship Application
We recognize that nature-based education is a privilege that not everyone has access to and seek to build a program in which children of all identities, experiences, and orientations can benefit. Our equity framework consistently reminds us to ask how we are meeting our community's needs.
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Email *
Your email
Your phone number
You name (first, last)
Name(s) of child(ren) applying for scholarship(s)
Grade(s) of child(ren) applying for scholarship(s) *
Please provide your household income range *
Please provide the number of people in your household
Please provide a very brief statement about how this scholarship will benefit you
Are you interested in sharing your time and skills in exchange for a scholarship? (Please use the "other" line to describe what skills you might be able to share, and the percentage of tuition you'd like to cover with your barter).
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