Benyar BY-5114M Giveaway
- The Giveaway is open to continental U.S. entrants only. To my followers outside the continental U.S., the reality is that it would be cheaper to buy one of these direct from a retailer than to pay international shipping.
- An email address is required to enter.
- A U.S. address is required to enter (this is partly for verification and partly so I don't have to track down an address later).
- All questions must be completed for a valid entry.
- The winner will be notified by email shortly after the closing date (08/10/2021).
- If the winning entrant does not respond with an acceptance confirmation within 48 hours, another winner will be chosen.
- The watch is offered as-is and in like new condition – there is no cash alternative.
- The watch will be sent by the lowest-cost option (paid by me) – unless the winner pays the difference to upgrade the service to their choice.
- Giveaway items are provided without any form of warranty by Watch Complications, expressed or implied.
- Watch Complications reserves the right to withdraw the competition or remove any entrant or entry without notice.
- Unless they choose to remain anonymous, the winner’s name and country may be published on the Watch Complications site and media accounts following the giveaway.
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Will ship in original packaging.
Shipping Address (U.S. only and used for shipping purposes only) *
Are you Watch Complications YouTube subscriber? (Not required to win) *
Are you a follower on Instagram @watch_complications? (Not required to win) *
Have you looked at ? (Consider subscribing for blog updates.) *
What is the lug-to-lug size of the Benyar BY-5114M? (Don't trust Amazon specs)
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Are you willing to send a wrist shot once the watch arrives (for publication on my social media)? *
What would you like to see a video about in the near future? *
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