Tell us about your Air Source Heat Pump
Sharing your experience can help others make decisions to decarbonize their lives.

If you don't know the answer to a question, feel free to skip. Please complete this form to the best of your ability. 

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Describe your experience of having a heat pump. What do you like? What don't you like? Would you make the same choice again?
Rate your experience 1-5 stars (1 being the worst, 5 being the best)
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Would you recommend getting a heat pump?
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When did you get your heat pump?
What contractor was used? Do you recommend them?
What brand and size (tons) is it?
Do you have back up heat?
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What was the equipment/installation cost?
Did you take advantage of any tax incentives or rebates? If so, which ones?
How has this impacted your monthly utility costs? 
(if known)
 Do you have rooftop solar?
How reliable is your heat pump?
Is there anything else people should know?
Can we share your responses on the NEST and Accelerate Climate Solutions website, social media, or other platforms?
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Would you be willing to go the extra mile and help encourage heat pump adoption by...
If you checked any of the boxes in the previous question, please provide your email and/or phone. 
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