2020 Survey
We need your evaluations on the ISPR2020 for further improvements in upcoming symposiums. We kindly ask for your colloboration in replying the questions below and submitting the form given below.
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You are a... *
Your attention to attend the ISPR2020 is *
How convenient was the main theme of the symposium? (Cases of Industry 4.0 Applications)  - (5 is the highest) *
How convenient was the time of the symposium?  (5 is the highest)                 *
Your evaluation the ISPR2020 in general was *
The quality of the panel discusions and round table was *
The satisfaction with the keynote sessions was *
The quality of the paper discussions at the sessions was *
Your rating the reception of Mayor of Antalya and facilities of the ISPR2020(Antalya, etc….) was *
How likely is that you will attend the ISPR2020?  (5 is the highest) *
How likely is that you would suggest the ISPR2020 to a colleaque or friend? (5 is the highest) *
Is there anything in particular you desire to convey to the organizers of the symposium, for instance, new topics, new events etc.?
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