Sato 2019 STEAM Night Feedback
Thank you for attending STEAM Night! The evening was made possible by a Beaverton Education Foundation (BEF) grant and SECO funds. As part of our grant reporting and to make improvements for future STEAM Nights, we would like feedback from attendees. Please fill out the survey below to share your thoughts. Note: If you have pictures of the evening you would like to share please e-mail them to
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Number of People in Family Attending STEAM Night
Name of Family Members Who Attended STEAM Night (optional)
Grade Level of Children Attending
Name of Person Completing Form (Optional)
Which stations did your family visit on STEAM Night?
What stations were your favorites?
What other STEAM activities would you like to see at a future STEAM Night?
Additional Suggestions/Comments/Information
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이 설문지는 Beaverton School District 내부에서 생성되었습니다. 악용사례 신고