Chapter 6
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Multiple Choice
1. Applying the ________ rule is a way to help keep a safe distance between your car and the vehicle ahead of you. *
1 point
2. If a vehicle behind you is following too closely: *
1 point
3. Your headlights must be on low beam when following another vehicle within _____ feet. *
1 point
4. You are driving at night and suddenly blinded by the headlights of an oncoming vehicle.  What is the best procedure to practice when this happens? *
1 point
5. Which of the following have no stops or cross traffic? *
1 point
6. Distracted driving is a leading factor in crashes.  An example is: *
1 point
7. If your vehicle starts to skid you should: *
1 point
8. In most instances which headlight beam would be appropriate for driving in foggy conditions at night? *
1 point
9. An oncoming vehicle is approaching in your lane.  After honking and flashing headlights, what is the best course of action? *
1 point
10. What should you do if your car stalls on railroad tracks and a train is approaching? *
1 point
11. What should you do if your car plunges under water? *
1 point
12. What should you do if smoke begins to pour from underneath the hood? *
1 point
13. What should you do if your windshield wipers fail in blinding snow or rain? *
1 point
14. Which of the following is not a type of freeway interchange? *
1 point
15. While driving at night, a load extends 4 feet from the rear of your vehicle, you must: *
1 point
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