WELCOME! to The Covenant Path and Family History - An activity for learning and sharing how to help your ancestors as you stay on the Covenant Path. Thank you for joining the journey!
How to Play
- Watch this!
My Covenant Path:
https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/media/video/2014-01-0180-my-covenant-path?lang=eng - Please answer the questions below
- Choose an activity to do individually or with your family
Artwork: Covenant Path - a meme from Meridian Magazine; Girl and Boy at the Font by Doc Christensen (used with permission); Guardian image by Kelsey and Jesse Lightweave (used with permission); Commandments video by ChurchofJesusChrist.org; Raleigh Temple by Robert Boyd (used with permission); All activities have links to the websites, many of which were collected from ChurchofJesusChrist.org