SERA-46 Literature Review Interest Form
Fill out this form to indicate your interest in joining a working group tasked with developing a literature review on one of the 7 identified priority areas. Note these literature reviews must be related to water quality specifically! You can select multiple topics if you wish.

This opportunity is open to folks of any career stage and track - graduate students, postdocs, faculty members, extension specialists, federal/state workers, etc.
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Last Name: *
First Name: *
Email: *
Institution: *
Career Stage: *
Would you be interested in leading one of the working groups? *
Please indicate the working group that you are MOST interested in joining: *
Please indicate any other working groups that you are interested in joining (if applicable):
The first research priority is quite broad: Review the performance and effectiveness of individual and/or suites of conservation practices to inform implementation. What are more specific practices and suites of practices that you think warrant a review of their relationship to water quality? *
The first research priority is quite broad: Review the performance and effectiveness of individual and/or suites of conservation practices to inform implementation. Are there additional practices or suites of practices that you think warrant a review of their relationship to water quality that are NOT listed above?
On what general timeline would you be able to begin working on this effort? *
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