Michigan-Shiga Activities Interest Form
Please complete this form if you are interested in being involved with future Michigan-Shiga activities, such as the Goodwill Missions between Michigan and Shiga. Your contact information will only be used in relation to your specified interests.
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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
"I am interested in..." *
Please check all that apply. 
Would you like to sign up for general Michigan-Shiga communications via email? *
Communications might include information about upcoming Goodwill Missions or other Michigan-Shiga related events and news. By selecting 'Yes' you give us permission to email you at the address you provided above. You may opt out after signing up.
Where in Michigan do you currently live?
This information can be helpful for planning, as several Michigan cities have existing relationships with Shiga.
"In the past, I have..."
Please check all that apply. No prior involvement is necessary. This information is just for planning purposes. If you have other connections with Shiga or Japan, you can select 'other' and provide additional details.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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