Weaver Music Production Night Tickets
Weaver Music Production Department presents,  Music Production Night - Fall
October 21st at 7:00 PM
Located at Weaver Academy, 300 South Spring Street
Greensboro, NC 27401
Phone (336) 370-8282

Guilford County Schools protocols and the Guilford County mask mandate require all in attendance to wear a face covering (over mouth and nose) when inside the building. Theatre seating will be at reduced capacity, with a empty seat between each party.

Tickets will be paid for at the door
$5 , seating will be assigned at time of reservation. If there is a special seating need, please make us aware.
House will open at 6:40 PM  

As we reach The dates of the show, ticket reservations for that concert will become unavailable at 7:00 PM on Oct. 20th. If tickets are available, then they may be purchased at the door.  
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