Interest Form
We are building up the Techniverse with clients of Technikole Consulting starting with our VIPs, then  our regular client based first. Starting in Q4, access will be open to the general public.  If you would like to join to  learn something new,  share expertise,  or collaborate with an offering for the community, please fill out the form to receive additional information about our needs or to tell us how you can help. 

 If you are interested in becoming a learning participant rather than a sponsor, please ensure you connect with us at so that we can connect immediately. 
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Your Name *
Email address *
Phone Number *
Company / Organization 
Role / Position *
Industry / Field of Expertise *
What interests you most about joining Techniverse?

Are you interested in participating as a Sponsor or a Participant?

Please provide a brief overview of how you can contribute or what you hope to gain from the community:

Would you like to receive updates and information about upcoming events and activities?

By selecting yes, you are opting to receive information from Technikole Consulting and community partners. 
What pricing range would you be comfortable with for access to the Techniverse Learning Community? (Select one)
Additional Comments or Questions?
Tell me something we don't know! If you'd rather reach out, our email is
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