Quest Student Visa Fees Survey
Hello! I (Emma Stiefel) am working on a Quest data journalism piece about how much Minerva visa fees add up to depending on a student's nationality. You can look at my current database of student visa fees for last academic year (2019-2020) here []. If you notice something that looks incorrect, please let me know in the last question of this survey!

The purpose of this survey is to collect information about the impact of visa fees on Minerva students and to investigate visa-associated costs that aren't reflected in official documents. Your answers will increase understanding of visa fees within the community and help future Minerva students estimate how much they can expect to spend!

This survey is anonymous unless you enter your name. If you have any questions, please reach out to me at
Inicia la sessió a Google per desar el teu progrés. Més informació
How much did you expect to spend on student visa fees in total (over all four years) when you first enrolled at Minerva? *
How have the total student visa fees you have paid so far at Minerva (only for rotation cities, not for any other traveling) matched up to your expectations? *
How have you paid for student visa fees while at Minerva? *
What have you had to spend money on to get student visas, beyond the fees reflected in Minerva and embassy documents? *
If you had to spend money on other visa-related costs, approximately how much has it added up to in total? Please give an estimate in USD.
How has paying for student visas affected your experience at Minerva?
What is your nationality? *
What cohort are you in? *
Is there anything else you want the Minerva community and prospective students to know about student visa fees? If you 1) noticed an error in my current student visa fee database or 2) did not see your nationality listed above, please specify that here as well.
Are you interested in being interviewed about your experiences paying for student visas? If so, please leave your name and contact information below!
Thank you!!!!
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