New Year's resolutions
This survey is a part of an anthropological student study which aims to understand people's relationship with New Year's resolutions and what role do consumer products, marketing, and social media play in helping individuals maintain and achieve them.
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What is your age group? *
What is your gender?
What is your occupation?
How would you describe your current financial situation?
Have you made a New Year’s resolution in the past? *
Give an example of a resolution you've set in the past *

What influenced your decision to choose this resolution? (Select all that apply)

How did you plan to achieve your resolution? (Select all that apply)
Did you achieve your resolution?
If not, what would you say were the main reasons? (Select all that apply)
Do you have any resolutions that you set repeatedly?
Which one? *
If you have set the same or a similar New Year’s resolution multiple times, what is the reason for repeating it?
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