Membership Interest Application

The Treasured Pearls Foundation mission is to provide resources and tools for postsecondary education and empower the community by meeting needs to overcome hardship. 

As part of its commitment to giving back within the community, The Treasured Pearls Foundation, strives to develop and administer a variety of educational, research, and training initiatives.  

To become a member of The Treasured Pearls Foundation, please provide the required information and answer the questions below. 

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Name *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
Address *
Academic Background *
Please list any honors, achievements, or accolades *
How has the above achievement(s) allowed you to positively affect others in your community?
List the organization(s) that you have been involved in that directly impact your community.
How and when have you participated in service projects that transcend beyond your local community?
What talents do you possess that will ensure that The Treasured Pearls Foundation can continue to provide resources and tools for postsecondary education and empower the community by meeting needs to overcome hardship?
How did you hear about The Treasured Pearls Foundation? *
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