In-Person Therapy Grant (Los Angeles only)

Neuroplasticity, or the ability of the brain to rewire itself, is at its highest in the first few years of life. That is why early intervention therapy is so important for babies at risk of cerebral palsy. Sedona Butterfly Effect is currently offering two programs for cutting edge early-intervention physical and occupational therapy for babies who have poor neck/trunk control and are not yet rolling or sitting.

In-Person Demo Session (Los Angeles only): Eligible participants will receive a free in-person demonstration session of cutting-edge therapy exercises with a physical and/or occupational therapy at a therapy clinic in Los Angeles. Therapies may include dynamic movement intervention (DMI) and electrical stimulation (E-STIM), as appropriate. Occupational therapy will be conducted by Dr. Marielly Mitchell of Theraplay LA ( and physical therapy will be conducted by Jennifer Swan (, both of whom are former therapists from NAPA Center LA. Child 0-3 years old of all milestones are eligible.

We do ask for permission to film the therapy sessions for other families to benefit virtually. The family should be located in/near Los Angeles, and have reliable transportation to participate. To apply for this opportunity, please click on the link on the left.

Virtual Therapy Program (anywhere): Families will have access to a 3-month program with weekly video trainings on dynamic movement intervention (DMI) therapy exercises to improve neck/trunk control and meet developmental milestones. This program is free. In exchange for access to the program, we ask for a commitment to try the program for at least 3 months and weekly feedback on the videos, so that we can continue to modify and improve the program for future families. If you are interested in this program, please apply to this Google Form.


Sedona Butterfly Effect is a non-profit (501(c)3 status pending) aimed at improving the outcomes of babies at risk of cerebral palsy, in memory of our daughter Sedona de Guzman, who had miraculous motor achievements despite her medical diagnosis. Our website is still under constructions, but to learn more, you can read about/follow us at: 
Our story
Article about us
IG: @sedonabutterflyeffect

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Family Information
Parent/Guardian Name (First Last) *
Address  *
Email address *
Phone number *
Communication preference (check all that apply) *
Name, address, phone, and email address of secondary parent or guardian (if applicable) *
How did you hear about us? *
Patient Information
Child's Name (First, Last) *
Date of Birth *
Age in months (actual and adjusted, in applicable) *
Sex *
Preferred Language *
1) Has your child been diagnosed with cerebral palsy? *
2) If so, what type? (check all that apply)
Cause of cerebral palsy (check all that apply) *
Please tell us about your child's medical history, including surgeries/procedures, major hospitalizations, diagnoses. *
Current medications *
Check all that apply
Who does your child currently live with? Any other siblings? Any other caregivers involved in your child's normal day or therapy regime? *
Therapy History
Physical Therapy: How many appointments per week or month? Which clinic?  *
Occupational Therapy: How many appointments per week or month? Which clinic?  *
Speech Therapy: How many appointments per week or month? Which clinic?  *
What other therapy methods have your tried or do you currently use? *
Which developmental milestones has your child met? *
Program Specific Questions
Is your child covered by insurance? *
Do you have reliable weekly transportation for your child to a therapy center? *
What is your estimated annual household income? *
Early intervention therapy is very important for babies at risk of cerebral palsy, but the therapy does not stop at the door of the therapy clinic. We expect parents and caregivers to practice therapy exercises at home for optimal improvement. Are you willing to practice therapy exercises at home? *
Part of this program will be to create videos from therapy sessions for other families with similar babies to learn and practice exercises at home. Do you consent to the taping of your baby in therapy (and you, to the extent you are in the footage)? (Note, we will not reveal names) *
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