Lost Sundays Block Party 2024: DJ Competition
Lost Sundays proudly champions local artists and fresh talent. On March 17, we're give an emerging DJ the chance to play the Lost Sundays Block Party amongst 25+ international and local talent 👀

Want to play? Read on for how to best throw your hat in the ring:
  1. Record an original mix (30-60 min).
  2. Upload to Soundcloud, making sure it's publicly visible.
  3. Submit your mix and details below.
The winning DJ will score:
  • Free entry to the Lost Sundays Block Party for you +3 of your crew.
  • A $200 performance fee and $100 bar tab.
  • Your mix re-shared as part of our Lost Sundays Session mix series on Soundcloud.
Hint: surprise us with something unexpected to increase your chance of catching our attention.

Entries close at midnight on Sunday, January 28.

We look forward to hearing what you cook up - good luck! 💖
Full Name *
DJ Name (If different to real name)
Email *
Phone Number *
Social Media Handle *
Have you been to Lost Sundays before? *
Link to your mix *
Tracklist *
Anything else to add? *
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