2024-2025 K-5 Dual Immersion Program Application Information

Dear Families/Guardians:

Walla Walla Public Schools is now accepting applications for the K-5 Dual Immersion Program at both Edison and Green Park Elementary for the 2024-2025 school year. Please read below for more information.

The goal of the program is to ensure that all students who participate achieve proficiency in both Spanish and English. Please consider the following as you decide if dual language is the right choice for your child:

  • Your child is comfortable in a variety of educational settings; 

  • Your child has already expressed an interest in different people, places and things; 

  • As a family, you will support learning a second language through school attendance, participation in school events and practice of both languages in your home.

If you are interested in your child participating in the K-5 Dual Immersion Program, please complete the following application. Please note that this application has a parent/guardian acknowledgement page to complete.  Your application will not be accepted unless all areas of the application are filled out completely.

Once we receive your dual language application, the Equity and Dual Programs Department will review your application.  Please note that you must complete the district enrollment, submit the necessary documents as well as the dual language application to be considered for the program. Here are important dates for you to note:

February 20, 2024……......Dual Application window opens
March 15, 2024....……....…Dual Application window closes
March 25-29, 2024………..Families will be notified by phone/mail regarding
                                                     Kindergarten Dual Language Program placement,
                                                     including school location
April 10, 2024………...........Kindergarten Round up and Enrollment
                                                     (Walla Walla Fairgrounds)
•      April 15, 2024………............District Open Enrollment begins                                                

If you have any questions about this process, please contact the Equity and Dual Programs Department at 509-526-6791.

Thank you,

Dr. Julie Perrón
Director of Equity and Dual Programs
Walla Walla Public Schools

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Our dual immersion program is an incredible opportunity for our students.  Please indicate your understanding and  commitment to this program by reading and checking each box of the following statements.
We understand the dual immersion program is an 80-20 model. The students entering kindergarten will receive the majority of their instruction in Spanish, with Spanish continuing as the main language of instruction until 4th grade.
As a family, we will support and encourage the acquisition of Spanish by attending school events, parent-teacher conferences and communicating with classroom teachers. *

Because this program focuses on ensuring that students develop skills in Spanish, materials for practice at home will be in Spanish. In the event that we do not speak Spanish at home,  English support at home will be provided to the extent possible.


We understand that this program requires a commitment of K-5 instruction, and is not recommended for families that only want to experience dual immersion on a temporary basis. If a change of placement occurs, we must follow a change of placement protocol when requesting to be out of the program.  To request a copy of this protocol please contact our office.

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