French Society Quiz
multiple choice quiz on the French society prior to the French Revolution
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1 Why didnt the peasants rebel? *
1 poin
2 Who was exempt from taxes? *
1 poin
3 What did peasants do for a living? *
1 poin
4 What was the name of the middle class in France? *
1 poin
5 What did the bourgeoisie do for a living? *
1 poin
6 Why did the middle class help bring change? *
1 poin
7 What foreign event did the middle class support? *
1 poin
8 What religion was France? *
1 poin
9 What was the money collected from the Peasants called? *
1 poin
10 What was the name of the French king who built Versailles? *
1 poin
11 What was Louis's favourite saying? *
1 poin
12 What part of his body was Louis's favourite? *
1 poin
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