Board Game Discovery Survey
Expected time to complete: 8-12 minutes
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What is your age group?
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Where are you currently located?
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What is your favorite board game(s)?
How many people do you typically play board games with (including yourself)?
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How many board games do you own?
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Where do you buy board games?

I enjoy playing digital versions of board games online just as much as physical board games in person. 

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I find learning the rules of new games / explaining the rules of a game to someone else to be a hassle.

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I like to discover new games to play (besides the hassle of learning new rules).

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I stick to playing a limited set of games 
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I have kept track of all the board games I have bought and can find the one I want to play when I have friends over.
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I enjoy playing board games with people in-person (vs. online).
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I find it inconvenient to find new board games online and in-store.
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Having a physical board and physical pieces to touch is important when I play a board game.
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I would play digital board games that are played in-person.
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When I have friends over I sometimes run out of activities for us to do.

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I want to play board games more often than I have the opportunity to play them.

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Thanks so much for your input! If you’re interested in seeing the results of this survey or curious about next steps, please share your email.
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