Challenges for Sustainable Pest Management

A discussion event at ETH Zurich

Pest management is crucial for food security. However, intense pesticide use has risks for both humans and the environment. How then can agriculture transform to include sustainable pest management systems?

At this discussion event at ETH Zurich, a consortium of interdisciplinary experts from agronomy, agroecology, human toxicology, ecotoxicology and agricultural economics and policy is on-hand to discuss with you. Each will present their views on current challenges in pest management and their ideas for paths forward. The floor is then open for discussion with all experts, around small tables and with refreshment in hand.

More information:

Organized by the World Food System Center and the ETH Zurich Agricultural Economics and Policy Group.

Date: Monday, 08 August 2022
Time: 18:00 – 20:00 CEST
Location: ETH Zurich,  Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zurich (LIVE EVENT)

18:00 Welcome and Introduction, Martijn Sonnevelt & Robert Finger
18:05 Input on challenges and directions for sustainable pest management in the 21st century,
Niklas Möhring
18:15 Inputs from consortium of experts
18:30 Open discussions with experts at themed tables, with reception
20:00 Event end

Registration open to all! Please be aware this event takes place at ETH Zurich- no online access.
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