Essex Chili Cook-off 2024 - Contestant Application
Event Timing: Sunday, March 3rd, 2024. 1pm-4pm
Event Address: Whallonsburg Grange Hall 610 NY-22, Essex, NY 12936
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Contestant Application
Please fill out this form to be entered into the First Essex Chili Cook-Off.
Space is limited.  

Deadline for contestants cooking in a commercial kitchen for public tastings: February 19th
Deadline for contestants cooking at home (no public tastings): March 1st


All chili must be cooked on the day of the event (Sunday March 3, 2024).

All participants must follow food safety procedures<--- Please read

Commercial kitchen license holders must follow all food safety requirements according to their license.

All contestants must label their chili for allergens and display a list of ingredients.

All chili must be at the Grange by 12:00 noon on Sunday, March 3. 

All contestants must be present to win  - Contest winners will be announced at 3pm.

Only chili cooked in a commercial/licensed kitchen may be sampled by the publicContestants may only provide samples with the cups and spoons provided by Essex Initiatives.  If your chili is not cooked in a commercial/licensed kitchen, it will be judged by a select panel of judges, but not by the public.

From the NYS Department of Health: (food safety documents)

  1. If chili is made in private homes it may not be served to the public and may only be served to a small panel of judges.  You do not need to fill out any of the NYS Dept. of Health forms.
  2. If chili is served to the public, the person making that chili would need to do the following:
    1. Submit the Temporary Food Service Permit to our office (fee would be waived since this is a fundraising event). Along with the Sanitation Plan Document. and insurance /CE-200
    2. Chili must be made in a NYS Licensed kitchen and made on the same day as the event.

Please make sure you have the community's well being in mind, and do your part to keep our community healthy.

Hand sanitizer will be available throughout the event. Soap and water is available in the bathrooms. Please make sure to throw away or recycle your rubbish. 

Be sure to read the "Contestant FAQ" section on and reach out with any questions.  More information will be emailed to you the week before the event.

Name *
Mailing Address
Phone Number
Social Media Handles (if any)
Are you cooking in a commercial kitchen? *
Do you represent an area Farm? *
Do you have any questions for us?
Participation Agreement
The contestant understands that their entry into the contest is not guaranteed. The contestant has read and understands the follow food safety procedures. (<---- Please read)
The contestant and their representatives shall indemnify, defend and hold Essex Initiatives, Whallonsburg Grange Hall, their officers, directors, board members, guests, employees and agents harmless from and against all demands, claims, damages and expenses related to the contestant's participation in the Essex Chili Cook-Off event including, but not limited to the contestant's display, services, goods and/or personal property.
Virtual Signature: By initialing below, you agree to the above conditions.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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