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Online Sign In
Hello and Welcome to online worship with Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Woodstock, GA! We are glad you chose to worship with us today. Please take a moment to make a note of your attendance and make any prayer requests below.
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Are you a member of GSLC?
I'd like to be
If you are a member, please type your name below. If you are not a member simply type "visitor".
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How many people are worshipping in your household today?
5 or more
If you would like a pastoral visit, please email church office at
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I have a prayer request. Please fill out this
prayer request form
to be certain your prayer request is received.
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Thank you for worshipping with us today! We pray you find the service meaningful and will join us again. If you have any comments about worship or the quality of our live stream, please make your notations below. Or if not, type none.
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