Wildflower Forest School (TK) Transitional Kindergarten Enrollment Interest Form 2025-26
Thank you for your interest in Wildflower Open Classroom's Forest School Transitional Kindergarten for the 2025-26 school year. This program is only for TK age students whose 4th birthday occurs by September 1, 2025.  Please complete this form for each child you are interested in enrolling for Forest School. 
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Student Full Legal Name *
Student Date of Birth *
Student's Gender at Birth *
Your neighborhood Chico Unified School District School. (Where your child would go to school, depending on your home address) *
1st Parent/Guardian's Full Name *
1st Parent/Guardian's Phone Number *
1st Parent/Guardian's Home Address *
1st Parent/Guardian's Email Address *
2nd Parent/Guardian's Full Name *
2nd Parent/Guardian's Phone Number *
2nd Parent/Guardian's Home Address *
2nd Parent/Guardian's Email Address *
Does your child have a special education individualized education plan (IEP) on file?
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