Z.Sale Resale Consigner Sign Up
Fill out this form to sign up to become a consigner for the Spring 2024 Z Sale (Resale) Event taking place at Z Boutique April 23-28, 2024.
Email *
Name *
Cell Phone Number *
Clothing Guidelines
-For this sale we will only be consigning SPRING & SUMMER plus-size styles. Sizes 1X (or 14) and up. Save your fall/winter styles for the next sale.
-Clothing that was previously purchased at Z Boutique or other "boutique quality" clothing purchased within the past 2 years will be considered.
-No more than 30 items per appointment. If you have more than 30 items, please call us to discuss.
-All clothing must be in excellent condition, and free of stains, tears, snags, pet hair, smells or other damage. If you have a pet, we recommend running a lint roller over your clothing after removing it from your home.
-Clothing must be recently washed (within the past week).
-All clothing must be on hangers.
I agree to follow the above clothing guidelines *
Approximate # of Clothing items you plan to consign. No more than 45 items please. *
Indicate your desired appointment times. We will reach out to confirm with you via text. *
Thank you for signing up to consign with us for the Spring 2024 Z Sale.

We will contact you to schedule your appointment time.

When you come for your appointment, make sure your clothing is on hangers and we will hang your clothing directly on a rack to determine which styles we will accept for the Z Sale. The entire process will take 15-30 minutes. While we sort through your clothing we encourage you shop or relax in one of the chairs in the boutique.

Reminder, we are looking for current, boutique-quality items. Please do not take offense if we do not select some of your items. If you have a lot of clothing, pick your best 30 items to bring for the sale.

We will determine the price for all items and you will receive:
50% of your sales paid in store credit that can be used anytime at Z Boutique.

After the sale any unsold items will be donated to local charities.

We will have a consigner contract for you to review and sign when you come for your appointment.
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