学術変革(A)「共進化表現型創発〜延長された表現型の分子機構解明〜」キックオフシンポジウム 参加登録フォーム

Registration for the kick-off symposium of GRANT-IN-AID FOR TRANSFORMATIVE RESEARCH AREAS (A) "Co-evolutionary emergence of extended phenotypes: Elucidation of the molecular mechanisms of extended phenotypes"
Date: Aug. 6, 2024, 13:00 ~ 17:15
Place: hybrid (online & Ichijo Hall in Yayoi Auditorium, Faculty of Agriculture, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo)
Registration fee: free
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Email *
氏名 Name *
例: 共進化 創子  ex. Soko Kyoshinka
所属機関 Affiliation *
例: 東京大学農学生命科学研究科  ex. Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo
所属研究室・グループ Laboratory *
例: 昆虫遺伝研究室  ex. Laboratory of Insect Genetics and Bioscience
参加形式 Attendance type *
意見交換会への参加 Participation in the opinion exchange meeting *
シンポジウム終了後、意見交換会(17:15 ~ 20:00)を予定しています。

The opinion exchange meeting will be held after the symposium (17:15 ~ 20:00).
     Place: RESTAURANT ABREUVOIR (within Yayoi Campus, Faculty of Agriculture, The University of Tokyo)
     Participation fee: around 5,000 yen
Please note that if there are too many applicants, the number of participants may be limited due to the size of the venue.
Details will be sent by email at a later date.
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