How are you doing??  Final social worker check-in for 2019-20
Hi guys!  I would like to check in one final time before school is out for summer!  Please take the time to answer the questions and be sure to request that I contact you back if you need assistance from me.  
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Email *
Name *
Check which one applies to you... *
During this Covid-19 experience I have experienced the following: *
Do you need assistance locating resources for your family such as medical assistance, food pantries, assistance with utilities/rent?   *
I would like for the Social Worker or one of the counselors to contact me.  (Please reply with the best way to contact you...cell number or email address below.)
I hope you all have a fantastic summer!  Please do not hesitate to reach out to us if you need anything.  I would love for you to share a story with me from your time away from school, your time with your children at home, or your time being a teacher through virtual learning.  I know it has been quite an experience, and I want you to have a chance to share!!
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