Intro to Positive Intelligence & Mental Fitness


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Training overview
A one-hour introduction to key concepts, science and simple practical applications of Positive Intelligence & Mental Fitness to generate:

  • Peak performance
  • Peace and wellbeing
  • Stronger relationships
Prerequisite: Take the free 4-minute Saboteur Assessment (results will not be shared)

Learning objectives
Develop a high-level understanding of the neuroscience behind how our brains work and how your brain can be your greatest enemy and your best friend. Takeaways include:

  • The 10 ways we self-sabotage and how to your inner critics (the Saboteurs)
  • How to strengthen the 3 core mental muscles so you can handle any challenge with a positive mind, maximum effectiveness, and minimal stress.
  • A 10-second neuroscience-based technique that helps you go from stress or overwhelmed, to calm, clear-headed, and laser-focused in action.
Positive Intelligence is not the same as positive thinking. It is strengthening our capacity to understand, manage and leverage our own minds differently. This naturally increases positive emotions and decreases negative. It is not a Pollyanna or cult of happiness play. It is a Mental Fitness approach.

Cost: C$25 (receipt provided on request)
Via e-transfer or paypal.

Instructor & Facilitator Toni Crow is a multi-certified coach, including: Positive Intelligence Coach, Certified Executive Coach and ICF accredited Professional Certified Coach (PCC). A life long learner, Toni continues studies in neuroscience and coaching and enjoys exchanging knowledge. Her purpose is to help bring more positive energy, ease and flow into the world. 

Discover which Saboteurs present the greatest internal obstacles to your optimal achievement and well-being. Attend the intro session to learn simple science-based tools to remove these obstacles.

Continuing Education Credits: Qualifies for one Fitness Leadership CEC (BCRPA, canfitpro and other orgs.)

**** Additional dates will be added. Bookmark this link or email for more info. ****

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