Certified FREed Interest Form
This is not a test! We promise, there are no grades on this form. This interest form helps us get a sense of who you are and where you are on your fundraising journey. Regardless, you are deserving and you are worthy. 

The questions are to help us get a sense if we’re ready for YOU right now.

There are no right or wrong answers, just truths.

While optional at the end, we encourage you to fill out the demographics data. It helps us gather much needed data that helps us tell our collective story!

If you need a more accessible format of this form, or to submit your responses via video/audio note — please email josie@melanate.org
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Let’s start simply. 

What’s your first and last name?

Preferred, given, chosen—whatever you want us to call you.
Awesome. You’re doing great. Can you also share your pronouns?
Do you identify as a Black Woman or Black gender fluid, expansive, or nonconforming individual? *
We define Black as lineage across the Afro-diaspora. Black-American, Caribbean, African roots, etc. 
Awesome; what city/state do you live in? *
What would your region be considered? *
How many years have you been professionally fundraising? *
For this program, we use the CFRE’s definition of professional fundraising to meet requirements: https://www.cfre.org/certification/initial/requirements/
What's the operating budget of the organization you are *currently* fundraising on behalf of?
If you're a consultant/multi-org fundraiser please choose your median budget size.
And what we hope is the last demographic question here; what region do you fundraise *for*?
This question isn't about where you live currently, it's a question to get a sense of the community you're resourcing for and local dollars you're already mobilizing.

IF you don't have a region of focus, and you're national, great - put national; but if you focus on a city/town, region or state please put that below. 
Why did you get into fundraising?

*note* do NOT overthink this question - this isn’t a trick! Whatever that first thought/reason that came to your mind, expand on that one right there. 
What has been your biggest barrier in fundraising?
Why are you interested in attaining a CFRE?
Last question like this one, but like the others—upload or input text!

How have you navigated the intersection of your identity and the act of resource mobilization? What is important for us to know about you in this space?
Have you already checked to see if you qualify to take the CFRE exam? *
Is your actual CFRE application already submitted? *
There is no wrong or right answer, promise.
Which cohort timeframe would work best for you? (check all that applies) *
We are currently holding time to hold the cohort meetings on Wednesday evenings. When there is an overflow for a cohort, we open up an additional Tuesday cohort that runs concurrent with the Wednesday cohort.
Do you have any access needs that you would like us to know about now?
This is your section! 

Anything we didn’t ask that we should have? Anything you want to answer that we didn’t ask? Any last closing thoughts?
That’s it! You’re done!
What is your ethnicity? (Please put N/A if you would prefer not to answer) *
How old are you? (Please put N/A if you would prefer not to answer) *
What languages, other than English, do you speak or understand fluently? *
What is your education level? *
What is your current employment status? *
What is your current income? (Please put N/A if you would prefer not to answer) *
Including yourself, how many people are there total in your household? (Please put N/A if you would prefer not to answer) *
How many people are dependents are in your household? (Please put N/A if you would prefer not to answer) *
Do you identify as a person with a disability or chronic condition?
If you identify as a person with a disability or other chronic condition, do you require accommodation?
Are you actively a family caregiver? (We define family in the broadest, most expansive way possible.) *
Is there anything about you, your identity, your demographics, or anything else we forgot to ask that you want to note?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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