Chinese New Year 2021 Props Kit booking form
Thank you for your interest in the Chinese New Year programs at the Dr Sun Yat Sen Classical Chinese Garden!

This form enables you to rent a Props Kit, which includes decorations, pictures, storytelling props, authentic lion head and percussion toys. It costs $20 + tax.

Please note, due to high demand, our kits are available on a first come, first served basis for up to one week loan period.
There is a $50 late/damage fee.

Once you have filled out the form, we will get back to you with more details and an invoice.
Please make sure this email does not go to your junk mail folder:

Please note, free delivery is offered to February 26th 2021. After that, we offer courier service ($15) or pick up only.

We look forward to hearing from you!

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1. Your name *
2. Your phone number *
3. Your email address *
4. School or organisation *
5. Best email address to send an invoice to, if different from above
6. Delivery of Props Kit *
7. What date would you like these materials by? *
Due to high demand, props kits are available on a first come first served basis. Rental is for one week.
8. Delivery address and instructions
Comments or questions?
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