O'Riley's Irish Pub / Uptown Tavern / Sir Richard's Event Reservations Request
This form serves as the initial contact to register an event with us at either O'Riley's Irish Pub Downtown,  O'Riley's Uptown Tavern, or Sir Richard's Public House.  Please fill out the information below regarding your preferred day/time, party size, preferred reservation location, amenities (food and drink requests), rough budget, and contact information.  We will get back to you shortly to confirm and plan further. Please make note of our policies regarding reservation deposits, minimum spend, and gratuity when choosing your preferred location.  Minimum prices are variable based on popular times (highest around December, contact for more information).

This form is for requests only. Please do not call to confirm an event within 48 hours of submission.
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Email *
Contact Name (First and Last Full Name) *
This will serve as the main contact individual for your party leading up to and during your reservation.
Contact Phone *
This will serve as the main contact number for your party leading up to and during your reservation
Reservation Day and Start Time *
Please enter a preferred day and start time that you would like to reserve for your party. 

NOTICE: If your event is within 72 hours of submitting this form, your request may not be processed in time to reserve the location.
Reservation Length *
Please enter the preferred length of time for your reservation...
Rough Party Size *
Preferred Location *
Please give a preferred room at the Downtown or Uptown location that you would like to reserve.  Each reservation space entails a deposit that is refundable upon completion of the event with the minimum spend amount listed.  THESE PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE.

Would you like drinks to be included in your reservation? *
This addition will affect the final reservation price...
Would you like pre-prepared food to be included for your reservation? (This option is only available for reservations at the Downtown and Sir Richard's locations). *
This addition will affect the final reservation price...
Rough Budget Estimate *
Please enter a rough estimate of your preferred budget for this event...
Additional Notes - You must specify what this event is for. *
Anything else you'd like to mention regarding your reservation...
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This form was created inside of O'Riley's Irish Pub Downtown.

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