Sign up Sheet for Mini Goldendoodle Puppy Winter 2020 Anticipated Litter
We know how much you would love to adopt a super cute, petite Mini Goldendoodle puppy as a family pet. In order to do that, you need to know when we have puppies up for adoption.

As of September 2020, our price per puppy is $5,000 CAD.  

We understand how much your family wants a Mini Goldendoodle puppy, which is why we've made this contact form available so that as soon as we open up registration, your family can act swiftly.

If your family is serious about getting a puppy, you'll need to sign up using this interest announcement form.

1) When we're ready to accept registration for the next litter, we will send an email to all families who have signed up using this form

2) That email will give details on the following steps to follow should you continue to want to place a deposit

3) We will also announce availability via Instagram:

PLEASE NOTE: By signing up on this form, you will only receive an email when we have confirmed a new anticipated litter.
E-mail *
Your First & Last Name *
Your cell number *
City your Reside In *
So we can get to know you a little bit better (do you have children, have you had a dog as a pet before, etc.) *
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