Client Service Feedback
Thank you for coming to Transformations Clinical Psychology. Your feedback is valued immensely and is recorded securely and confidentially.

We review each person's experience and use this feedback to improve ourselves as clinicians and to improve the quality of the service provided.

Please be honest as we value both positive and negative comments.

Confidentiality and your privacy matters to us.

Please let us know if you prefer your feedback goes directly to Dr Natalie Robinson only (practice owner and director) or to the clinical psychologist that you saw.

If you prefer feedback to go to Dr Natalie Robinson, your feedback will not be shared with the psychologist you saw.
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Адрас электроннай пошты *
Name (optional)
I would like my feedback to go to *
Please rate your overall experience of TCP using  1 - 5 *
1 (strongly disagree)
2 (disagree)
3 (neutral)
4 (agree)
5 (strongly agree)
I am satisfied with the quality of service that I received at TCP
The Psychologist was respectful and empathetic
My needs were met and understood
I would recommend the psychologist I saw to another person
I will return if I require more help
I was able to understand myself and my problems much better
I achieved my therapy goals
For clients who have decided to discontinue. Please choose the option/s that is most applicable to you  (You can choose more than one option) *
Please expand on your reasons for choosing any of the above answers *
Is there anything we can do to improve your experience at TCP? Or to improve the overall service you received?
Please add any other comments or feedback you may have here
Privacy Policy
The information you provide is bound by the legal requirements of the Australian Privacy Principles set out in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).If you have a concern about the management of your personal information or wish to receive a copy of the privacy act,  you  may inform Dr Robinson of Transformations Clinical Psychology. By submitting your responses, you understand our privacy policy and agree the information provided to Dr Robinson, practice owner and director.
Thank you for sharing your experience with us
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