FMP Survey 2025
This survey is for target audience research which will help me in the development of my FMP. 

Here's my concept:
A full cast audio drama set in the world of spies and espionage that follows a female protagonist and her family who get caught up in a conspiracy and a race against time due to her past which has ripple effects that endanger them all.
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Age? *
1. If you were to listen to an audio drama, where would you be most likely to listen? *
2. How long would you want an audio drama to be? *
3. Would you mind if lines were improvised or prefer to have people stick to the script? *
4. For media set in a world of spies and espionage, do you like 'spy gadgets' to be used? *
5. Should music be included? *
6. Would you mind if the narrative caused the audio to end on a cliffhanger? *
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