Miss US Nation Pageants Makeup Artist & Hair Stylist Release Form
Thank you for your interest in volunteering at our special pageantry events. Please fill this form entirely.
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Email *
Full Name *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
Social Media Handles (For Credits) *
Where are you located? *
Referred Makeup School if none, put N/A *
What is your specialty? *
Please select the show(s) you will be participating in. *
By checking this box, you release Miss Nation Universe Pageants DBA Super Chic Fashion Week, LLC its' staff and affiliates harmless in the event of any personal injury, lost times or theft. It is recommended not to bring valuables to the event. We are not responsible for any lost or stolen items. If an item is lost, you must contact lost and found department at the venue where the event is hosted. You further authorize Miss Nation Universe Pageants DBA Super Chic Fashion Week, LLC & its' media attendees to utilize your photos and/or likeness for promotional purposes and will not seek any monetary recourse.
Thank you for your support!
Upon submission of this form; please follow us on our social media pages:

Instagram: @bellafashiondesigns223

Like on Facebook: Bella Fashion Designs    
                                Miss US Nation Pageants

Subscribe to our YouTube Channel: @Bella Nation TV
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