2024 Spring HS Baseball & Volleyball Athlete Code of Conduct
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Athlete's First and Last Name *
As a SSHA Athlete, I will: 

Respect the Statement of Faith and agree to abide by SSHA policies.

Do my best to understand this program is geared to help me gain a greater understanding of humility, sportsmanship, integrity and discipline.

Work on time management with my parents/guardians to ensure I arrive early enough to be ready when the coach starts warm-ups. I also will continue to work on my studies and work with my parent/guardian to ensure I am accountable to manage my time effectively.

Attend all activities except in cases of illness, emergency or excused absence that was brought to the coaches attention well in advance.

Put 100% effort into doing what the coach asks of me in both practices and games.

Recognize that I represent my family, team and the SSHA program and that my level of effort demonstrates my commitment and respect for my coach, teammates, family and myself.

Support and encourage my team and coach by demonstrating integrity, character, leadership, hard work, strong relationships, and good sportsmanship, regardless of my playing time and our win-loss record.

 Speak and act respectfully when I interact with players, parents, coaches, referees, spectators and volunteers, whether that be in person or on social media.

 Not post on social media negative comments, pictures or videos of my teammates, coaches, the SSHA administration and organization or any opposing team and their staff.  

Respect host site facilities, leaving them in a condition as good (if not better) than I found them.

Respect the dress code while at practices, games and in the parking lot.

Not take photos or videos of myself, teammates or anyone in a bathroom or locker room.

Allow for accountability and take responsibility for my actions when I fail to live up to these standards and expectations.

As a SSHA athlete, I recognize that not maintaining this Code of Conduct, whether on or off the court/field, may result in team discipline. I acknowledge that the list above is not all inclusive and other situations may arise that warrant discipline, up to and including dismissal from the team.

If you disagreed with any of the above statements, please specify below and give a brief reason why. If you agree, please put N/A. *
Athlete’s Electronic Signature *
Today's Date *
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