“What Is The First Thing That Comes To Mind?” College Major Edition
Please write down the first thing that comes to mind when you hear/see each college major. Please be as honest as possible, and keep your responses to yourself. There are no rules for how long your responses should be and/or what you put in your responses. It is up to you! I will be creating a collection of pieces on my Odyssey Online page: https://www.theodysseyonline.com/user/@maggie_ruland and will be using your responses for my next piece. If you have any questions, please text me for clarification (631) 456-2587.
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Accounting? *
Agricultural Sciences? *
Art? *
Business? *
Computer Science? *
Communications? *
Criminal Justice? *
English? *
Education? *
Economics? *
Engineering? *
Finance? *
History? *
Journalism? *
Marketing? *
Mathematics? *
Music? *
Nursing? *
Political Science? *
Pre-Law? *
Pre-Med? *
Psychology? *
Public Relations? *
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