Formal Report Study
Implementing a second hand store on campus
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How often do you purchase clothing?

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Where do you usually shop for clothing? (Select all that apply)
What influences your clothing purchase decisions the most?
On average, how much do you spend on clothing per month? (in CAD)
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Have you noticed an increase in the cost of clothing over the past few years?

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How important is sustainable shopping to you?

Not important
Very important
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Would you consider buying second-hand clothing to support sustainability?

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Would you be interested in an on-campus thrift store?

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What types of items would you like to see in an on-campus thrift store? (Select all that apply)

How likely are you to donate your own clothes to an on-campus thrift store?

Not likely
Very likely
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What price range would you consider affordable for thrift clothing on campus?

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How do you think an on-campus thrift store could impact your shopping habits and overall campus experience?

How do you feel about second-hand shopping?
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