CI Survey

We are in the process of designing a curated, exclusive community that will provide participants with access to features like CI's bespoke research, monthly consultation with the team (Jacob and/or Rob) and opportunities to connect regularly (in-person and virtually) with other like-minded, impressive professionals. 

We'd appreciate it if you could take a minute or two to share your thoughts.

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Email *
Phone / WhatsApp Number
Home City/State/Country
Is this something you'd be interested in? *
If you answered yes, what would you be willing to invest to be part of a community like the one described above?  *
If CI held a semi-annual conference featuring presentations by Jacob, Rob, and other key CI thought leaders, would you attend? *
Where would you hope CI events would be?

If Jacob hosted a regional event near you, would you be interested in joining him for an informal meet-up to talk geopolitics and exchange ideas?

What industry are you in?  *
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