Onfleet Connect - Carrier Application
Onfleet is integrating our platform directly with shipper demand marketplaces. Interested Onfleet-powered carriers will potentially be invited to list their services in these marketplaces to receive additional delivery demand.
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Are you currently an Onfleet Subscriber? *
Company Name *
Areas Serviced (Select all that apply) *
Please provide additional detail identifying the regions or urban areas that you service *
Quantity of Drivers *
Select all On-Demand SLA's that you offer for pick up or delivery (Check all that apply) *
Please note any key restrictions, or custom service levels related to your On-Demand service
Select all Scheduled service levels you offer (Check all that apply) *
Please note any key restrictions, or custom service levels related to your Scheduled service
Do you perform Routed delivery services? *
Please note any key restrictions, or custom service levels related to your Routed service
Any additional notes regarding your SLA's, service offerings, or restrictions?
ALL Industries Serviced (Check all that apply) *
PRIMARY Industry Serviced (Select One) *
Vehicle Types in Fleet (Check all that apply) *
Specialty Services Available (Check all that apply)
Can you support Big & Bulky delivery (such as furniture) *
Service Availability *
Contact First Name *
Contact Last Name *
Contact Email *
Contact Phone # *
Please provide the name of the company/organization that referred you to Onfleet / Onfleet Connect (if applicable)
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