Join us for the 2024 Collaborative Membership RoadShow and Chamber Launch Party

The Tahoe City Downtown Association (TCDA), North Tahoe Business Association (NTBA), and the North Tahoe Chamber (NTC) are excited to unveil an exciting new vision to support the North Tahoe Business Community.

We will discuss the launch of the NT Chamber and membership efficiencies with the business associations in areas such as marketing, programs, economic development, community vitality, and advocacy.

Our partnership has paved the way for innovative initiatives, and we are thrilled to share them with you, as well as hear feedback on how we can better serve your businesses and our community.

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Which of the following options applies to you? (please select all that apply)
Which date do you plan to attend? 
Please list any additional guests that plan to join you.

We extend our sincere appreciation for your participation and eagerly anticipate working hand-in-hand to shape a bright and prosperous future for our business community.


Warm regards,

Katie Biggers, Executive Director, TCDA
Alyssa Reilly, Executive Director, NTBA
Kimberly Brown, Director of Business and Community Relations, NTCA/NTC

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