Harrogate Bonfire and Fireworks 2021 Feedback
Thank you for supporting the Harrogate RoundTable's 50th Stray Charity Bonfire and Fireworks Display. We hope you had as much fun attending as we did organising it.

We want to hear your feedback so we can keep improving the event.
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How satisfied were you with the event? *
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Each year around three to four thousand pounds is spent on fireworks. Any increase would have to come out of the donations received and would therefore decrease the amount we could give to our nominated charities. Should we... *
It is estimated that bonfires emit more particulate pollution than all cars in the UK on the same day. Given the climate crisis should we continue to include a bonfire in future years? *
If you think the bonfire should be replaced do you have any suggestions as to what it might be replaced with?
In line with the community focus of the event the Scouts have previously provided the catering raising money for all the local troops in the district. This year they were unable to attend  and a commercial food vendor was brought in at the last minute. Harrogate Council have indicated that they would not support multiple food vendors at the event. Should we... *
Each year we request that the public toilets are open for the event. This year the toilets were left locked. Should we increase the costs (decrease the charity donations) and hire toilets for the event? *
Harrogate RoundTable has run the event for 50 years for the benefit of the community with any surplus funds going to a local charity. All organisers, bonfire and fence builders, marshals, and bucket shakers are volunteers. The only expenses of the event are those required by the Event Safety Management Plan. What would you like to see in the future? *
Any overall feedback for the event?
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