2023 Assignment 2 : Sampling
All questions are compulsory. Choose the correct alternative.
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1. In which sampling method same element may be selected more than once? *
1 pont
2. The procedure of collecting data from few members of the population is called ....... *
1 pont
3. In which of the following situation sampling cannot be avoided? *
1 pont
4. In which sampling scheme the population is divided into homogeneous groups? *
1 pont
5. The procedure of collecting data from all members of the population is called as *
1 pont
6. Stratified random sampling is a method of selecting a sample in which *
1 pont
7. The best sample is one that is *
1 pont
8. Type of questions included in questionnaire to record responses in which respondent can answer in any way are classified as *
1 pont
9. Sampling can be described as a statistical procedure *
1 pont
10. A study based on complete enumeration is known as *
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11. A statistical population may consist of *
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12. If the population under study is of heterogeneous type then we use *
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13. In ………………., each and every unit in the population has equal chance of being selected. *
1 pont
14. A sample of 30 students is to be drawn from a population consisting of 600 students of two colleges. First college has 400 students and second college has 200 students. what will be the sample sizes (n1 and n2) to be selected from two colleges under proportional allocation method. *
2 pont
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