Machines That Go Beep: Electronic Audio Club (mailing list sign-up)
The Electronic Audio Club is a mutually supportive club providing a space for the curious to learn about electronics, realise DIY electronic audio projects and make their own instruments, amps, modules, synths, or speakers.

The group is run on an informal basis with an emphasis on learning new skills, knowledge exchange and peer support. It is aimed at a range of people, from experienced makers to absolute beginners. If you’re just starting out and have an idea, the club will help you get started in creating your project. Materials and equipment are provided and there are opportunities to share your creations with other members of the group and the public. The Electronic Audio Club is free to attend, with the group meeting monthly at TACO! It welcomes all skill levels. Support is provided by peers and workshop leaders and artists Jenny Pengilly and Alex Tuckwood.

Please provide your first name, last name and email address to find out more details.
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