Queen business group coaching application for Feb 2024 Cohort
You're applying for a major business up-level in a supportive, energizing, and inspiring group container. 

To help me curate the right group for this journey, please take a few minutes to answer the following questions.

All your answers will be confidential.

This program is a 4-month commitment. 
Calls are 2x month + weekly teachings and personalized coaching in the group thread.
Call times will be determined by the group.
Investment: 4 monthly payments of 675$, discount for PIF.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Who do I have the pleasure of meeting? *
Where in the world do you live? *
How old are you? *
Please share your instagram handle (if applicable): *
What appeals to you about this mastermind? *
What would be the absolute BEST thing you could get out of this experience? *
Tell me a little about your business-- whom do you serve and how do you serve them? What are your challenges? *
What is your *net* income goal for 2024? *
Are you willing to commit to attending the group calls to the best of your ability?
Are you willing to participate by posting or commenting at least once per week in the community space?
Anything else I should know about your particular desires or any limitations to your full participation in the mastermind?
Thank you for taking the time to apply, I'll be in touch soon!
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