PATS Safer Spaces Reporting Form
This form is for reporting any concerns, issues or incidents at Philadelphia Argentine Tango School (PATS) classes or other events.

No action will be taken without your consent.

Please consider including your name and contact information, so that we can follow up with you.  You may choose to submit this form anonymously, but it will limit our ability to follow up and to take action based on the information you provide.  

All reports submitted using this form are confidential, and only the PATS Safer Spaces Team has access to the information.
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Date of Incident (if applicable)
Space / Event where the incident occurred
Your Name (optional)
Your Email (optional)
Your Phone Number (optional)
Nature of the Report
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Names and/or Descriptions of those involved in the incident.
Please describe the incident in as much detail as possible.
Please describe any actions that have already been taken to address this incident.
We would like to follow up with you regarding this incident.  Is it ok if we contact you?
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Which of the following actions are you comfortable with?
Thank you for taking the time to make this report, and help make the community safer! If there is anything else you'd like us to know, here's some space!
Thank you to Powerhouse Blues whose reporting form was a model for this one.  Learn more about Powerhouse Blues at:
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