ACE Tutor Sign-Up
We are glad that you are interested in becoming a tutor at ACE! Tutor demand depends on the amount of students signed up, so you may not be connected with a student immediately. However, we will keep you in our reserves until we find a student that is your perfect fit!

*Please only sign up if you are dedicated to the process; it will leave a bad impression on a student if their tutor is slacking.*

Tutoring will last over the course of the entire school year. Usually, tutors meet with their student over video call for one or two hours every week or two. Over the course of each week, tutors may have to answer questions that their students send them over text. You will have an officer assigned to be your "advisor" and check in with you and your student regularly.
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Name (First, Last) *
Age *
Grade *
School *
Chinese Level? (0-weakest, 10-strongest) *Keep in mind that you do not need to have any Chinese experience; this is only for those interested in teaching students from China.*
Fluent in speaking, reading, and writing
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