聖地牙哥中華學苑延長週數調查表 / SDCA Increasing 2020-2021 School Year Length Survey

San Diego Chinese Academy is considering extending the school year from 30 weeks to 32 weeks for the 2020 - 2021 school year. This is because many teachers feel that 30 weeks is very rushed and they do not have enough time to teach the material. By having 2 additional weeks, they will not feel as rushed and will be able to teach all the textbook material by the end of the school year.
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聖地牙哥中華學苑正在考慮下學年 2020-2021再增加2週。 您是否同意此更改? SDCA is considering adding 2 additional weeks in the 2020-2021 school year. Do you agree to this change? *
請注意,學費將相應增加。Note that tuition would be increased accordingly.
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