Bradford-Area COVID-19 Mutual Aid Volunteer Sign-up (Vermont, USA)
This list is being compiled by community organizers in Vermont to share with others who are physically and emotionally available for mutual aid work around COVID-19 at the local level. We expect that COVID-19 will come to our communities, if it has not already, and we are coordinating a public response as a proactive and reactive measure to protect and support each other, particularly our most vulnerable populations.

A top priority at this time is to reduce the spread of the virus by staying home. Another top priority is making sure that all community members have what they need to enable them to stay home, whether sick or healthy. That's where this survey comes in. Many other actions to make this feasible will need to come into play, but volunteer coordination is one clear path toward an appropriate societal response.

Efforts are still in the development process, but people have been reaching out to volunteer, so we wanted to start getting a list ready so people can be contacted as needs arise. We will not use or share the info you provide for any other purpose than COVID-19 organizing.

Thank you so much for looking out for others during a crisis that is reinforcing individualism in increasingly harmful ways. Safe distancing is important, but we also have to be able to hold each other, even when we're apart. We must model community-level responses. We must love and care for one another.

Important: Noting that you would like to be contacted about any of the work mentioned below does not constitute a hard and fast commitment. We know circumstances can be unpredictable. Checking "yes" just means we may get in touch if the need for volunteers or supplies arises.

The results of this form are being shared with Bradford Select Board members, Public Safety commission, and the Town Clerk. Do you have a question about what's happening in our area? Email Monique Priestley at or call/text 802-222-1909.

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Email address *
Name (Please indicate your pronouns as well, if that's something you would like to share.) *
What is your phone number? *
Where do you live? If you're most connected with and/or closest to the Bradford area, this form is for you! If you are more connected elsewhere, consider starting another form for that community. *
Would you like to be contacted about volunteer opportunities that involve being outside, such as distributing groceries or delivering food and leaving it outside the doors of people on quarantine? (Note: risks and best practices will be discussed before any work is done. People over 50 and people with underlying conditions should be especially cautious in these times, so this option will not be right for anyone. Please do whatever you must to remain well.) *
Would you like to be contacted about volunteer opportunities that involve picking up donations, such as groceries, from stores or other businesses and transporting those materials to volunteers for distribution? *
Do you have any medical experience that you may be able to offer to help boost our immune systems, or volunteer at pop-up clinics and testing facilities? *
Would you be interested in being part of peer-to-peer counseling via phone or online platform for those who are suffering from isolation or emotional crises? *
Would you be willing to share basic human needs like food, water, medical supplies, herbal medicine, hygiene products, shelter, etc.? Please indicate what you think you have to share. (It's ok if you don't know at the moment or if you don't have extra resources on hand.) *
Do you have special skills or particular resources you would like us to know about? *
Are you currently in quarantine and would like care? If so, please indicate your needs. *
Do you wish to be contacted about donations that are needed to support mutual aid work around COVID-19? *
Other thoughts or comments
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