Apply for Bee Combinator Program 2024
Get help growing your idea into a successful company. We are here and ready to guide you through the stages of business development. You get a chance to interact with a diverse team with great experience to help guide you through the different Steps
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Startup/Idea Introduction
Briefly describe your startup's core idea and Value proposition.
Company Status
Is your startup already incorporated?
Target customers:
Describe below who your target customers are and what the size of your target market looks like
Revenue model
Describe your proposed revenue model and how you plan to make money from your product or service
Please tell us more about your current team, their background and expertise.
Execution plan
Please outline your go-to-market strategy and key milestones for the next 6 months, 1 year and 3 years
Share your projected financials including revenue, expenses and profitability
How scalable is your business model and what changes might arise as you scale?
Customer Validation:
Have you received any feedback or validation from potential customers
Technology and Intellectual Property:
What set of technologies are you using and are there any steps you have taken to protect your Intellectual Property?
Risk Management:
Identify a few risks associated with your startup and how you plan to mitigate them
What social or Environmental impact does your startup aim to achieve?
Exit Strategy (Fallback plan):
Provide some insights to your long-term vision for the company and any exit strategy considerations.
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